On Saturday night I went to the wedding of Sister Miriam's cousin Corina. It was great because I had met Corina before when she came to Lima, and I'm good friends with Corina's little sister Matilde, who works in Lima not far from our neighborhood. There were three couples getting married in the same Mass, but Corina and her fiance were the best-looking of the three. :) There were no bridesmaids or goom's men, only a few little nieces dressed up in white dresses to be the "little angels" accompanying the bride. The party started off with the newlyweds dancing the Blue Danube Waltz at least six or seven times: first together, then with the "godparents" of the wedding (Peruvians have godparents for everything, not just baptism), then with his mother and her father, then with any family members that wanted to come up and dance a few measures with them. Then they got all the single women together for the bride to toss her bouquet. There were only five of us, and guess who caught it! ... The bouquet came flying straight at me and I couldn't dodge without looking silly. So they played the Blue Danube Waltz one more time and I had to dance with Corina's new husband while she danced with her "godfather." Apparently I will also be the next person from among those five single girls to get married. I'm sure this was all very confusing to the people there who thought I was a nun.

It was a great party with tons of dancing and we didn't leave till 2 am.
Very shortly afterwards I was woken up by the sisters' neighbor Simón. Simón is a citizen of Tambogrande who does a radio broadcast every morning... except it's not on the radio. The man has a megaphone and speakers in his front yard which he uses to talk and play music like a radio jockey, loud enough for half the town to hear, every day from 6 to 7 am. He calls the show "Segundo Simón" (Second Simon). He puts on music that sounds like it's coming off a grainy 1940's gramophone, talks over it, tells the weather for the day, and shares his thoughts for the day on the state of today's youth, the local government and its individual functionaries, how to be a good Catholic, or whatever else comes into his head. He's not particularly insightful. He is, however, possessed of a loudspeaker and convinced that everyone in the area can benefit from hearing his voice for an hour every morning.
The sisters have to do their morning prayer at 5:30 because it's impossible to do it once he gets going. Apparently people have tried to shut him up in the past, but there are really no enforcable laws about noise in Tambogrande or even in Lima. Peruvians are way more comfortable with noise than Americans; they really just don't have our concept that "my neighbors have to respect my peace and quiet." Example: Waino Sundays, in which a group devoted to a particular saint has its parties near our house here in Tupac and plays very loud, very repetitive, very high-pitched yippy music from late morning until after midnight. Or that time in Cusco when a "procession" went by our hostel at 4 in the morning, i.e. a group of people with an image of some saint or other troops by with a couple of brass instruments playing the same melody over and over and somebody enthusiastically whacking a drum. Don't get me wrong, processions and devotions to saints are a really neat part of the culture here; often a group will come into Sunday Mass with a beautifully decorated statue of the Virgin Mary carried between four people, and the devotees themselves all dressed up in traditional Andean outfits, and then go outside to do traditional dancing (they play big string instruments that look like a cross between a harp and a violin) before heading off down the street in their procession. I always stay to watch a bit. The only part I don't like is the fireworks, which are not actually fireworks since they don't set off any lights, they just go up and make a big BANG that sounds like a gun. The noise is part of the celebration.
...so anyway, Peruvians like noise, and Simón was my alarm clock, because I was getting up that morning to go with Maria to visit her cousin in the nearby city of Paita. Paita is a little town right on the ocean and it's cooler there than in Tambogrande because of the constant breeze off the water. The day and a half I spent there was a weird experience of very common, everyday Peruvian life. The town and its beach reminded me of Ocean City, Maryland and its boardwalk carnival, except smaller and kind of boring. There was a Ferris wheel and arcades and a moon bounce and shoot-the-clown games along the beach, and dirty streets with cheap trinket stores just behind, and the Peruvians all thought it was great, especially the Ferris wheel, which they called a "rollercoaster" and squealed with terror when it went fast. I was not impressed, but I enjoyed seeing the pelicans and a sea lion when we took a ride in a boat on the bay.
In the evening there was a cumbia concert, and since Janet from TV was going to be there, Maria's cousin and her husband just had to go. It turned out that Janet from TV isn't even a cumbia singer, she's just the personality that stands there "animating" the crowd and organizing the thing. The cumbia groups were pretty good, actually very good, but the attention mostly went to the dancers, four girls in little pink bikini outfits who came out and shook their behinds in front of the cameras. It was pretty tasteless. Maria, me, and Maria's cousin's daughter--a smart, sweet little 11-year-old named Yessenia who gave me a pair of earrings she made--were all exhausted by 11 pm, but Yessi's parents were loving the cumbia and Janet and the whole show, so finally at midnight or so they let the two 20-somethings take their daughter home in a mototaxi and go to bed, and they stayed until 2 am. They were really nice people but I think they had no idea what to think of me. They had never met a foreigner before, and they kept talking about how all the gringos come from abroad to stay in their summer homes at the nearby resort towns, because that's the extent of their familiarity with white people. I think they were confused too about my religious/lay status. But they took me into their home very generously and invited me back in the summer when it's beach weather.
(Possibly the best part of all this was watching a bunch of guys trying to set up before the cumbia show. They had a huge cylinder-shaped advertisement balloon without enough air in it that said CLARO in huge letters, and they were pulling on ropes and jumping up to push it and poking it with poles to get it to stand up. Every time it almost righted itself, it would slowly flop back over on top of their heads again like a big fat worm. It was hilarious. By the time we got there there was a good crowd watching them. The owner of the nearby cafe said they'd been doing it for three hours already, at which point I gave up all hope. They never did get it fixed.)
My only other adventure in Tambogrande was going with Sister BJ to visit the nearby convent of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. BJ and I took a colectivo and a mototaxi through the countryside to where Sister Lucy and her congregation live at the edge of the mountains. Their house was full of plants, cactus, desert flowers, with a huge almond tree in the center courtyard. We climbed up the nearest hill with Sister Lucy and looked out over the valley. Everything was green because of the canals irrigating the land, but the mountains themselves were desert and their trees all looked dead and dry. Sister Lucy told us a story about a volunteer who came from Germany to work with them and ended up becoming a nun... I could see the appeal, when she talked about coming up to those desert mountains to pray, with the green valley below... There's a U2 song about all this, I think.

My trip ended well and I am now back in Lima. It's good to be back where everyone you know is. (I say that now... I can only imagine what coming back to the US in December will be like!...) And the weather here is changing! It's a little warmer, so showering is not so painful, and yesterday I actually woke up to sunshine that lasted all day until afternoon. (Today was cloudy again, but the clammy humidity of winter is gone and with it a lot of the chill.) Since I've decided I'd like to be more involved in the parish next year, I am checking out opportunities there as well as continuing with my English and music classes. Today I had my first rehearsal with the Pollitos in a while, and they were so cute! I missed them! They are learning to watch my conducting and use their head voice a little. I'm working on getting them entered in a city-wide school arts festival at the Museum of Art in Lima, but I found out today that I can only take 5 singers. It seems there aren't many real choirs that participate in these things. The group as a whole will have to wait until our concert at the school in December.
Earlier this week I told one of my students he can't come back any more. He had been bringing me little gifts and telling me I'm an angel and saying if he had a girlfriend, he'd want her to be like me, etc., for quite a while. Every time he started up like this I would be quite clear that I wanted a purely professional tutoring relationship with him, and he would say, "Oh yes of course, I understand that, I respect you, but you know these flowers are just a little sign of my admiration for you, as a teacher... I understand you have other friends, but I know you and Catherine go out dancing with them, and it makes me sad that we don't have the same kind of confidence and friendship as you do with them..." I was putting up with it and putting up with it until he wrote me an email in which he said, "I want to thank you because even though you know what you mean to me, you still give me English classes. Any other girl would have kicked me out of her classes and her life" by now. This made me really furious. It was as if he'd said "thank you for being too weak to give me what I deserve." So I gave it to him, in a very angry reply email that told him I'd had it with him and that he was not to come back to my house for classes or anything else. Apparently I scared him off because he hasn't come back for his Tuesday tutoring with Catherine either. Yesss, verbal-electronic slap in the face does its job! I felt so great after letting some of that righteous anger flame off... very powerful and very light of heart... I laughed a lot that day.
And so with just over 2 1/2 months left of this year, life is good--except for my latest weird/gross health issue: I seem to have picked up a flea in Tambogrande and can't figure out how to get rid of it. Figures. Catherine says it's no worse than having lice or parasites, but somehow to me this is way more gross... maybe because lice and parasites didn't give me little red itchy bites on my stomach!... Teresa says you have to actually look through your bedding and clothing to find the tiny jumping flea, and then trap it with a wet bar of soap. I tried this and it is 0% possible. (I saw nothing to trap.) On my list of Peruvian randomness, next to riding in the back of a pickup truck between a nun and a cross-dresser, is hunting fleas in my bed with wet soap. My life is insane.
1 comment:
My recommendation for Simón is my Czech rock. Let me know if you need some, because I've found it to work quite well for my purposes.
Miss you, erstwhile roomie! J
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